


  1. 1.國立成功大學行政業務研究發展實施辦法 NCKU Implementation Regulations Governing the Research and Development of Administrative Affairs
  2. 2.國立成功大學博士級研究人員教學研究費支給原則 NCKU Principles of Remuneration for Postdoctoral Fellow
  3. 3.國立成功大學執行行政院農業委員會專案計畫研發成果稽核作業要點 NCKU Operating Directions for Auditing Research and Development Accomplishments from Implementation Projects of the Council of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan
  4. 4.國立成功大學產學合作收入收支管理要點 NCKU Revenue and Expenditure Management Directions on University-Industry Collaboration Projects
  5. 5.國立成功大學培育優秀博士生獎學金試辦要點 NCKU Scholarship Pilot Program to Cultivate Outstanding Doctoral Students
  6. 6.國立成功大學產學合作經費授權委託投資原則 NCKU Principles for Industry-University Cooperation Funds Investment Management
  7. 7.國立成功大學建教合作計畫行政管理費及節餘款支用要點 NCKU Directions on the Use of the Management Fee and the Surplus in Cooperative Education Project
  8. 8.國立成功大學校務基金自籌收入支給會議費用標準 NCKU Guidelines on Meeting Expenses Paid by the Self-Generated Income of the University Endowment Fund
  9. 9.國立成功大學產學合作成果特優教師獎勵與遴選要點 NCKU Guidelines on Teaching Excellence Award for Achievement in Industry-University Cooperation
  10. 10.國立成功大學產學合作發展專帳申請支用作業要點 NCKU Directions on Application and Disbursement of Special Account for Industry-University Cooperation
  11. 11.國立成功大學學生執行建教合作計畫作業要點 NCKU Directions on Cooperative Education
  12. 12.國立成功大學執行國科會及教育部計畫彈性支用額度作業要點
  13. 13.國立成功大學辦理國科會補助專題研究計畫經費變更案件審查委員會設置要點 NCKU Directions of Establishment of the Review Committee on Virement of Funds of National of Science and Technology Council Projects
  14. 14.國立成功大學執行政府資助敏感科技研究計畫安全管制作業要點
  15. 15.國立成功大學研究輔導計畫補助及獎勵要點 NCKU Directions of Subsidy and Reward for Research Counselling Program
  16. 16.國立成功大學教職員執行建教合作計畫違誤事件處理原則
  17. 17.國立成功大學研發人員接受農委會計畫撰寫研究紀錄簿注意事項
  18. 18.國立成功大學執行國科會及教育部計畫彈性支用額度調整申請表(表單)
  19. 19.國立成功大學博士生國科會研究獎學金試辦要點 NCKU Directions of NSTC Doctoral Research Scholarship Pilot Program