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112年補助新進教研人員研究設備費申請公告Call for Applications for Research Equipment Grant for Newly Employed Faculty Members and Research fellows



 Call for 2023 Applications for Research Equipment Grant for Newly Employed Faculty Members and Research fellows

聯絡人/分機  蔡佩玲 06-2757575 分機 50909
收件時間  112/7/31 (一) 中午12:00
內容說明 一、申請資格
1. Eligibility Criteria for Application
The grant is open to full-time faculty members, research fellows and clinical faculty members newly employed within the past five years at NCKU.

注意事項:本補助案請於今 (112)年 9月底前完成請購及簽約 11月底前完成驗收付款, 俾利學校統籌資本支出之執行 。
2.Application Timeline and Review Process
(1)From the current date until July 31, 2023, eligible applicants are required to submit the application form (as provided in Annex 1) along with relevant supplementary materials (e.g., specifications, quotations) to the Research and Development Office for consideration. The applications will undergo a comprehensive review by the esteemed Evaluation Committee, and the outcomes of the approved applications will be formally announced subsequent to the committee meeting.
(2) Kindly ensure compliance with the Higher Education Sprout Program schedule and the fiscal year's (January to December) budget execution guidelines. Please note that equipment expenses for this grant application must be procured by the end of September 2023 to facilitate coordinated execution of the University's capital expenditures.
Please comply with the Higher Education Sprout Program schedule and fiscal year's budget execution guidelines. It is essential that equipment expenses and purchase contract signing must be completed by the end of September 2023, with acceptance and payment finalized no later than the end of November 2023 for coordinated the University’s capital expenditures.

3.Grant Program and Funding Amount
(1)The funding for research equipment grants is allocated as 100% capital expenditure.
(2)A maximum of 20 projects will be granted funding within this program. The funding allocation for each project will be determined based on its specific requirements, with a range of NT$500,000 to NT$2,500,000 per project. It is important to note that applicants may submit only one application for projects of the same type. The grant period will remain in effect until December 31, 2023.
(3)Any unexpended funds from the current fiscal year (2023) will be uniformly reclaimed by the Higher Education Sprout Project Office and cannot be retained.

4.The grant amount will be determined through a comprehensive and holistic review process, considering the following criteria:
(1)To ensure the fair allocation of limited resources, priority will be given to applicants who have secured matching funds from their respective units (e.g., research centers). This criterion aims to promote the rational distribution of resources and enhance the effectiveness of grant utilization.
(2)Priority will be given to applicants who agree to integrate the granted research equipment into the management of a core facility center and comply with the relevant regulations, providing services through the shared instrument management system. 
(3)The granted research equipment is expected to be appropriately made available for shared use.
(4)The requested research equipment, if granted, will contribute to advancing the research capabilities of our institution.
(5)The applied research equipment is recognized as sophisticated and valuable, reflecting its advanced nature.

5.Monitoring and evaluation system
(1)Applicants who receive the grant are required to submit a progress report on the procurement of the awarded equipment by the end of the grant year (2023).
(2)Following the procurement of the equipment, a research equipment usage report must be submitted annually for a period of three years, indicating the utilization of the equipment during that period.
(3)Upon the expiration of three years from the equipment procurement, a formal equipment achievement report must be submitted. This report will serve as a reference for future applications for other grants offered by the Research and Development Office.
(4)The prescribed format for the aforementioned reports will be provided after the approval process.
申請程序 申請人應於112年 07月 31日(星期一)中午 12時整前, 將申請書電子檔 E-mail至研發處學術組聯絡人信箱(蔡佩玲小姐 E-mail:z10912018@email.ncku.edu.tw);分機 50909
The applicants are required to submit their application forms in electronic format via email to the contact person of the Research Innovation and Development Division at the Research and Development Office no later than 12:00 PM on Monday, July 31, 2023. The email address for submission is z10912018@email.ncku.edu.tw (contact person: Ms. Pei-Ling TSAI/ ext. 50909).
附件下載  申請公告 Application Announcement
 申請表 Application form