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2025 The Earthshot Prize 徵件活動

  • 主旨

    為辦理The Earthshot Prize (TEP)獎項提名作業,請有意申請者於本(113)年11月15日前將相關資料提送本校,詳如說明,請查照。
    To conduct the nomination process for The Earthshot Prize (TEP), applicants are invited to submit proposal to our university before November 15, 2024. For further details, please refer to the instructions below.
  • 聯絡人/分機
    Contact Person/Extension

    楊筌傑   06-2757575 轉 50923
    Yang Chuan-Chieh 06-2757575 ext. 50923
  • 說明

    一、旨揭獎項由英國威廉王子設立,聚焦關懷全球「Protect and Restore Nature」、「Clean our Air」、「Revive our Oceans」、「Build a Waste-Free World」、「Fix our Climate」等5大議題之創新思維、技術、系統、政策及解決方案。
    三、本獎項獲通過初審者,由本校進行提名,復由TEP主辦單位進行決最終審查,每年將評選出五個可以幫助我們修復地球的突破性創新之最佳解決方案,獲獎者將由TEP提供100萬英鎊獎金支持並擴大實現這些解決方案,相關資訊請至The Earthshot Prize (TEP)官網查詢(http://www.earthshotprize.org)。

    1.This award was established by Prince William of the United Kingdom, focusing on innovative ideas, technologies, systems, policies, and solutions related to five major issues: “Protect and Restore Nature,” “Clean our Air,” “Revive our Oceans,” “Build a Waste-Free World,” and “Fix our Climate.”
    2.Our university has been selected as the only institution in the country with nomination rights, representing the organizers to conduct preliminary review and nomination processes in Taiwan. We will also assist the nominated individuals or organizations in submitting relevant materials to the TEP organizers for the final review. The domestic application information is as follows:
    (1) Eligibility: There are no specific eligibility requirements; both individuals and organizations (including teams, collaborative organizations, businesses, government entities, scientists, advocates, economists, communities, leaders, etc.) are welcome to apply.
    (2) Application Method: Please prepare the “Nomination Proposal” (Attachment 1) and submit it along with supporting documents in electronic format via email to z11305003@mail.ncku.edu.tw (please include in the subject line: “TEP Nomination Proposal - Applicant Name”).
    (3) Application Acceptance Period: From now until November 15, 2024.
    3.Those who pass the preliminary review will be nominated by our university, which will then submit the nominations to the TEP organizers for final review. The Earthshot Prize searches the globe for game-changing innovations that will help us repair our planet, awarding the very best five solutions each year with £1 million to scale their work. For more information, please visit The Earthshot Prize (TEP) official website(http://www.earthshotprize.org).
  • 附件下載
    Attachment Download